Главная / Недвижимость / Земля: Участок земли в центре Хургады (L1001)

Земля L1001: Участок земли в центре Хургады

El Dahar is an old town with oriental charm, full of traditional local markets (souks), fishermen and shops, selling local art crafts.  Seventy percent of people living in Hurghada are situated in El Dahar. This includes Egyptians, Americans and British.

Local nightlife can be somewhat noisy, as there are more Egyptians living here that visiting tourists.  One should bear this in mind when choosing a hotel, right in the middle of El Dahar.  Many of the beach hotels are family friendly and offer good prices, and are not in a noisy area. In addition to traditional 4/5* hotels, you can find lower star hotels and youth hostels offering cheaper accomodation.  Hotels in this area include: Sea Star Beau Rivage, Hilton, Kingtut, Beirut, Arab, Sunny Days, Arabella, GrandAzur, Zahab and Miretta.

The tourist office, post office and the bus station are situated here. It is easy to find a huge selection of places to eat.  El Dahar has every type of eating establishment, from restuarants to street stalls (serving fast take away food; shawerma, Alexandrian liver, pizza, falafel, etc).  Traditional Egyptian coffee shops abound here as well, and they are an excellent way to soak up true Egyptian life, over a water pipe (sisha), into the early hours of the morning.

Many public buildings are located here and include:

  • The City Council
  • The General Hospital
  • The Aquarium
  • The Governate Headquarters
  • The Passport Office
  • Traffic Police

All in all, El Dahar has an enormous amount to offer. #LISA

Общая информация

Общий рейтинг 0.000
UID L1001
Тип объекта недвижимости Земля
Регион ХургадаДахар
Вид на море Да


Электроснабжение Центральное электроснабжение - 220 В
Канализация Городская канализация
Водоснабжение Центральное
Подъезд Хороший подъезд
Дороги Асфальт

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